• Darryl Gray

With the resurgence of the sale of vinyl in recent times, records are now in very high demand and retail consumers such as Tesco have jumped on the bandwagon, merely for profit. This project aims to help local retailers - who survived the death of vinyl - by promoting them and their stores for collectors whilst also trying to recreate that sense of community within the music industry. To get people talking about music again and to buy music properly.

The digital platform has maps to help you locate record stores, profiles for the record stores and built-in messaging system so you can talk to owners and other collectors. The app also syncs up with your Spotify or Apple Music to create your profile and in turn understands your listening habits to suggest records that may interest you.
Poster campaign to promote the app which feature photographs of famous musicians listening to records to help encourage people to use the app so they can too, listen to vinyl. Each poster uses powerful colours to attract a potential audience of record listeners to the app.