Event management | This module was a collaboration with five other students. We created a collective called Midlands Gallery. This aimed to give small businesses ran buy entrepreneurs in the midlands to move from their online platforms to a Live shopping experience. We also worked with St Basils which is a midlands based homeless charity. I was appointed the PR manager for this group with meant I wrote and released a PR statement; I produced a GANT chart and ensured all social media aligned with our image and vision. I also liaised with some of our Midlands Gallery brands and ensured their attendance and knew what was required. I also assisted in finding venues and working on costing and fundraising amongst other things. I was able to use my interpersonal skills within this module and thrive within a team. I was able to use my personal skills and connections to obtain gifts and donations from Selfridges Birmingham and gained connections for fundraising through the charity team at Selfridges.