NICE Vaccine Experience

  • James Wilson

The “NICE Vaccine Experience” (2021) challenges the extent to which consumer trust and brand loyalty can be pushed in a time of mass confusion and disinformation. The project explores many grey areas, including counterfeiting, white lies and the manipulation of customer loyalty to a brand. It also questions the nature of consumerism and what makes something truly real and fake. Is the “real” product still morally right if the company exploits its workers? Is the fake version still bad if it pays the same worker a fairer wage? The main aim of the project is to explore whether a brand can be used as an alternative to previously trusted staples such as government officials and scientists. Can it convince people to take the current vaccine and potentially end a pandemic? Would using one of the most trusted brands in the world, which is ironically also the most counterfeited, Nike, be a viable option? What about a fake version?

Invitation Email

The vaccine is repackaged using typical counterfeiting tropes to brand it in the style of Nike’s popular Off White collaboration. The aesthetic focuses on the lo-fi graphics typically associated with spam emails and common scams such as the London “Golf Sale” signs and turns these into a considered design style.

"Golf Sale" Posters
