Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia

  • Ash K Halliburton
  • Jules Reiffers

Production for Numero Netherlands editorial, 'Cornucopia' This concept by Filip Koludrovic explores the 7 deadly sins in an entirely new format. We wanted to explore alternative methods of creating imagery. Exploring renaissance art, global greed, over consumption & morals.

Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton
Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton
Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton
Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton
Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton
Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton
Numero Netherlands - Cornucopia by Ash K Halliburton

Ash K Halliburton
Creative coach, film maker & production designer, entrepreneur
Jules Reiffers
Marketing Strategist