Side Hustle/ Coaching

Online branding for Visual Artists

  • Lauren Boniface

Make Your Mark is a 5 weeks live coaching programme to help content creators launching their brand so they can attract collaborators and paid opportunities . I am curating a group of 10 creative makers. The Makers are Creators & Entrepreneurs. Maybe you have created a website or an etsy store, tried to post on Instagram regularly but you are seeing little to no results. You know your art is great, as you get a lot of praises from your entourage but don't know how to translate those praises into sales. I can be your brand launch coach for 5 weeks.

Book you free 15 min consultation with me here :

I will guide you on how to make your brand stronger.

Looking for collaborators!

Let Lauren know if you're a ...

  • Illustrator
  • Graphic Designer
  • Photographer