
  • Hilary Miceli

SOHO HOUSE White city London, July 2021 I never felt like I truly belonged in my own born surroundings, like a stranger in my own home, constantly looking for similarities within the strangeness and chaos, even though everything seems so still. My thoughts and imagination were always a way to escape to boring reality around me, running wild into my own thoughts creating excitement and finding comfort within the lack of control or stability in my decisions This project is particularly close to home as a reflection of my rebellious nature in my younger years towards the conformity and structure indoctrinating normality in my surroundings. A queen in her tower fighting back against the preconceptions of smaller minded communities. A Monarchy and age old structure that has been in place since the dawn of time, a time that is in need of change, a change that I want to see in the world, breaking that monarchy down, freeing all the fears and insecurities of living a life dictated by others and what they expect you to be, constantly fighting between who you are what the world is telling you is right, yet within the conformities of society and the struggles we all face day to day, inside, we are all the same, yet different, looking in the mirror and feeling like and outsider. Non mi sono mai sentita parte della società in cui sono cresciuta. la mia immaginazione è sempre stata più accattivante della realtà che mi circondava, la mia personalità è sempre stata etichettata come troppo esuberante, troppo vivace e poco controllata. Non mi amalgamo, non mi confondo e non mi plasmo a chi ho accanto. Questo progetto è la mia rivincita, la mia denuncia ad un sistema che fa l'errore di giudicare qualcuno solo perchè diverso, quindi considerato sbagliato.