Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind

  • Lauren Stanton
  • Issy Sinclair

Between working, travelling, chores and everyday stresses we often don’t find time for self-care and it shows. Audible introduces a new self-care campaign to show that listening to audio books can be a novel way to look after your mind. It aims to get people working on their wellbeing through listening to audio books as they are proven to help manage mental health and reduce stress. They are also easy to plug into anytime, meaning people can take care of their mind anywhere, anytime.

Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind by Lauren Stanton
Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind by Lauren Stanton
Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind by Lauren Stanton
Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind by Lauren Stanton
Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind by Lauren Stanton
Self-care by Audible - A novel way to look after your mind by Lauren Stanton
Lauren Stanton
Advertising Creative
Issy Sinclair
Advertising Creative