Sony Vaio: The Online Script Project

  • Fabiana Xavier
Business opportunity:
Leverage the influence of John Malkovich to sell more laptops.

Invite people to collaborate with John and his Sony VAIO to write a short film. He wrote the first sentence to be completed by participants and throughout the campaign he fed back on submissions and, ultimately, chose three winners. We turned the final script into Snow Angel.
Results: • Over 8,000 scripts submitted • 50% of visitors bookmarked the site • Over 6 minutes average dwell time
After generating the idea, as part of a creative team, I worked closely with John Malkovich's agent and the social media agency to execute the campaign and bring the project to life. In the end, I oversaw the final film and created supporting online ads for it.
Awards: Campaign BIg Awards finalist One Show Merit Award Webby Awards nominee Creative Review Annual IAB Grand Prix Award winner