‘The age of ecology’

  • Chloe Winnett
  • Blumr Design

‘The age of ecology’ focuses on overconsumption, production and technological developments that have evolved and cost the planet. Taken inspiration from Britains Georgians (1714–1837) fascination with consumerism within society, and 'The Enlightenment’ ‘Age of reason’ period that soon followed as a result. Where the search for scientific facts, individualism, tolerance and politics surpassed tradition. Ultimately leading to a modern world we now know. In 2020 we're at the forefront of another enlightenment era. The Environmental Enlightenment ‘Age of ecology’ where its’s punk to care about the planet through sustainable consumption, production and living over prioritised capitalistic greed.

‘The age of ecology’ by Chloe Winnett
‘The age of ecology’ by Chloe Winnett
‘The age of ecology’ by Chloe Winnett

Project Tags


  • British Fashion Council logo

    British Fashion Council

    • Fashion and Textiles
  • C

    Cardiff Metropolitan University

    • The British Library logo

      The British Library

      • Education & Research
    • C

      Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY


      Chloe Winnett
      Sustainable Fashion Designer
      Blumr Design
      Design Company