The Earth Issue: Age of Man

  • Dipo Kayode-Osi
A collaboration between The Earth Issue, Archive Collective, Form&Seek & MaterialDriven - The “Age of Man” mini-issue examines the Age of Man show by Form&Seek at the Ventura Projects area of Milan Design Week 2017. The foreword written by MaterialDriven’s founder, Purva Chawla, introduces the theme of the exhibit and the responses from the 30 designers and artists showcased within the issue and at the Age of Man exhibit.
There is a growing consensus today, that we are living in an age where the earth has been so deeply impacted by humanity, that a new geologic epoch–the Anthropocene–needs to the declared. The Anthropocene, or the ‘Age of Man’ is believed to have begun in the year 1950, and can be visualised as a distinct and heavy footprint on the earth. Furthermore, this footprint has been etched and defined by the prickly residues of our industrialisation, technological advancement, and rampant consumer culture. ... This supports the belief that designers are well-aligned to play a leading role in shaping our future attitude towards natural resources, production processes and the consumption of goods. And it is this belief, that is at the heart of Form&Seek’s ‘Age of Man’ exhibit, where the talented and diverse collective of designers and artists will present their compelling visions for the future, and design solutions that are best suited for our age.
- Extract from Age of Man foreword. Written by Purva Chawla - Founder & editor at MaterialDriven
16 pp | riso-print | saddle stitch bound | 2 colour on uncoated pink evercolour paper (100% recycled paper stock). Printed in London by Hato Press