
  • Nick Stanhope
Improving infant emotional development
Helping parents feel confident and capable in their child's first 1000 days

The Challenge
Great information and support can help parents to feel confident and capable in the first 1000 days, aiding their child’s emotional development. However for low income households, high quality information and support that’s personalised, reassuring and trusted, can often feel inaccessible – important considering 45% of children live below the Minimum Income Standard in the UK.
The Solution
A personalised mobile website that gets better and better at matching parents with high quality information they’ll love, by getting to know them over time.
So Far...
  • 150+ parents tested the concept and early prototypes
  • 160+ NCT practitioners and volunteers involved
  • 120+ hours spent with parents across the UK
"Working with Shift has been a fantastic opportunity to focus hard on those who matter most – expectant and new parents from a range of backgrounds and communities – to really understand what drives them to access support and how to remove barriers to access, so that we design a service that truly meets their needs."
Sarah Mcmullen, NCT