Twende is a project proposal for a non-profit cycle hire scheme for school kids aged 11+ in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. In this particular visual Kenya is used as an example. THE PROBLEM In rural parts of Africa many children are forced to take up household responsibilities from a very young age. Children as young as ten travel miles daily to access clean water and food whilst still managing to regularly attend school. The main mode of transport is by foot. This takes up an abundance of time and is not always the safest option. THE SOLUTION TWENDE - An annual cargo bike scheme that values time, aimed at school children in rural Kenya. Twende aims to be a change agent in the transport sector by acting as the safe efficiency tool that gives children the time to build on their potential and be kids. ‘Twende’ the chosen brand name is Swahili and translates to ‘Let’s go’ in English. Twende encourages a go-getter attitude and is memorable and charmingly pronounced. A phrase that has a meaning on its own or can be individually personalised, a feature the brand uses throughout its communication.