During this quarantine period, How have you kept your spirits up? Do you think positive affirmations/ meditation is useful tools?


  • @Sarah Boris Thanks so much Sarah, I've just seen this message and will definitely check them out! I Appreciate it.
  • @Scott Morrison Hey Scott, I will definitely check this out as that's my goal now to work on ways to stay disciplined as far as work is concerned during this quaratine. As I have ideas I want to work on but getting in the mental space for working when there's so much realms for distraction is hard these days lool.
    Got a routine and now working on it, but new advice is always appreciated! Hope the quaratine hasn't been to hard on you in terms of concentration? Take Care
  • @Zainab Khan I definitely like the idea of having a set routine, as I finally made mines, cause after a while I realised having accountablitily for oneself in some realms is important for our self-esteem (to some degree). As constanly allowing yourself to chill when you deep down would like to start a project but don't just cause there's an abundance of free time - can crawl into personal traits of being lazy for sure!

    However, as you said there's a healthy balance - enjoy time off to be just doing nothing as that's a neccissity to create more and take care of our mental well being. But never allow this to become a crutch as that I've noticed in myself (lol) after 3 weeks of saying 'I want to start a project/ idea' nothing has come from these intentions except procrastination. Ha cause I allow excuse after excuse when I really know I want to create but doing nothing can make the brain lazy lool if that makes sense and no routine just adds to that - as nowadays it's all play and no work, so easy to become addicted to excess free time (idleness).

    So I got a routine which encompasses reading, workingout, studying a new languages, facetime and meditation. Just need to include working on my ideas now and just start cause it will flow once I do that.

    Thanks for the wise words Zainab, Stay safe. Take Care.
  • @Steven Williams you can see live talks on the following channels. These are all photography specific.

    > this one is more practical advice from industry practioneers and people who commission photography. A recent live talk covered subjects such as how to get commissions from photo editors for magazines and newspapers.

    > live talks on instagram with photography curators and photographers

    > live talks photographers.

    Enjoy :)
  • Hey Steven.

    I’m thinking about that right now. And, as such, have developed a series called ‘Stay Boom! Pep Talks’ from leading actors, writers, musicians, curators and business leaders who are sharing their tips on how to stay motivated during lockdown.

    They’re on my LinkedIn profile, Insta and website - one a day all month.

    Today’s was Ellie Norman, the CMO of Formula 1.

    Tomorrow is a biggie.

    Hope it helps

  • For me, being productive has actually really helped. I have setup a routine for my day, blocking out time for work, something for the soul (usually meditation), something for the body (walking, yoga, whatever), something for the brain (usually an online class), something fun (netflixing ofc). This has helped me feel productive and somewhat normal in a really weird time. However, I do have days where I feel like doing nothing and that's okay too.

    I do want to caveat that being productive is not needed at this time of course, our mind and body are going through a lot with what is going on so thinking about a to-do list is not necessarily positive for everyone!

  • @Ellen Turnill Montoya I used to use the Calm app (but the trial only and of course it was reptative cause of the restrictio on content) but that Lebron James audios sounds intriguing, might check it out. Thanks for the suggest and stay safe.
  • @Trishna Malam Those are great points, especially 6 in terms of a little escapism as I am trying to getting the hang of just enough and not using it as a way to fill up all my idletime when I could better my skills in terms of reading or interacting with others (through Facetime of course lol).

    The look after yourself is essential in this time, not just physically but mentally as well cause most people don't like the idea of being alone with themselves (no matter how small of a time) away from distractions of external means. So now is more than ever important to work on knowing ourselves better and what we represent as a whole, that washing yourself should be mandatory! Take care and stay safe.
  • @Andrew Diprose That's on point and sounds like what I am doing these days, keep it up! Take care and stay low.
  • @Sarah Boris Hey Sarah, I definitely agree with you on limiting the consupmption of the news. As it is important to look at it to stay imformed to the current affair in terms of severity of deaths but having coverage 24/7 can be very dangerous (slippery slope), as it create worry and hysteria in the mind (sometimes sub-consciously) to which worrying/ fearing has never been time well spent.

    So meditating and workout from home is important, as the time right now needs to be spent on developing ourselves physicall, mentally and spiritually through many other avenus such as doing new activities/ working on new ideas and reading new books. Stay uplifting the spirits of others as well cause you never truly know how others are processing this isolation, since not everyone can bare to be in quiet or still with themselves to reflect on what they feel (therefore need the constant distraction of social media and TV and news).

    Take care of yourself and stay low

    ooo P.s. what's the instagram live talks you where talking about as I would love to look at them if you could suggest some?
  • @Terry Paul that sounds similar to my current routine, just need to stay more solid on working on ideas of what I wanted to create. As not going to lie this idletime alot of us are experiencing just showing me how undisciplined at times I have been in life - and how much I relied on distractions like social media and work to take me from some of my goals in life. Definitely mediation is the one. Take care and stay low.
  • I have recently downloaded Calm - which is an app for meditation - and its genuinely surprised me on how its really become a part of my daily routine!

    Even if you don't want to do a full meditation, they have stories and soundscapes (never knew i'd love the sound of falling rain like this) which can help with focus while you are trying to work and/or create! I'd also recommend the LeBron James series of audio clips on there, which makes you think about exercising your mind in a whole new way!

  • 1. Connecting with friends and family. I've reached out to loved ones to ask how they are doing and if they need anything, or if I can do anything for them. I don't usually have time for friends/family Monday-Friday whilst working, I now have regular Facetime calls with everyone, this certainly keeps my spirit up! 2. I choose a psychical activity for the day. Yoga, running, mat workout or trampoline! This makes me really happy! 3. I have about 10 books on my desk as a reminder that if I'm ever without anything to do, I should be reading/learning. These are all non-fiction; all philosophical but you should choose some in an area you want to learn more about. 4. Look after yourself. Make sure you shower everyday! Put on fresh clothes, keep your house clutter free! Eat good foods. Remember what you also put into your body also impacts how you feel and your mood! Breathe fresh air! 5. Use this time as an opportunity to start something. Have you ever wanted to learn the piano or write a blog? 6. Netflix! Get into a series binge to get your mind off the news! It's healthy to have a little escapism. 7. If it all just gets too much I meditate or have a bath or both at the same time!
  • Remembering it won't be forever.
    Appreciating hearing birds singing.
    Working on personal projects you've 'never had time for'.
    Reading books magazines I'd put by for inspiration.
    Seeing the city in a different (very quiet) way
    Old bangers on Spotify.
  • Hello Steven,

    A few things that have kept my spirits up have included doing yoga for the first time ever. It felt nice to learn / try something new and I felt really good after. If you've never tried it's a nice opportunity to do it. There are loads of online courses at the moment.

    I also started watching live talks, there are many on instagram including wonderful photography ones. Creatives from around the world share thoughts and some of their work. I have found these very uplifting to watch. There are a couple of great photography specific live talks that you can watch.

    Finally I think meditation might be amazing too and will try soon. One final piece of advice, to keep you spirits up, is to limit how much you watch the news. It can be quite depressing at the moment and although it's good to stay informed, I have decide to cut back on reading these too much and I already feel better.

    Best of look. Stay well and safe.

  • Meditation first thing in the morning and last thing at night i think is a amazing tool (i'd reccomend Calm app!) , not staying so focused on the news/social media at all times, definitely journaling like everyone else mentioned, and maybe rediscovering things you didn't have time for before? (i.e. art, cooking, decorating etc.) The things that maybe you kept putting off before this i'd say are the best things to jump into now.
    Maybe looking into learning new things about your profession. I think aswell like everyone else has said setting up a routine will help keep you grounded!
  • @Serena Masand Thanks Serena, I definitely will message you once I run out of steam again lol as I have kicked myself into action (started working out again and journalling), now to continue learning a new language/ hone my creative skillset (fingers crossed). I missed this one but will check them out tomorrow for sure loool that is the best kind of sleep possible ha, take care and stay safe.
  • @Steven Williams DM me if you want some tips on how to keep it up. I struggled too! Also Beeja Meditation do live 1pm meditations on their insta live. They are AMAZING. I get off having fallen asleep haha but also feel so positive after. Hope that helps!
  • @James Mackenzie thanks for link will check it out. Great work on creating something that helps with coping mechanisms/ strategies.
  • @Richard Gravett Movies - I haven't really tried of recent, might see what catches my eye over the next couple days (any suggestions?)
  • @Serena Masand yeah I been journalling for a while back but on and off lol but I guess it's all about routine and staying motivated as to why I haven't done it in some time. Glad to see it works a treat for you though! Keep it up. I will definitely check that instagram out =) thanks for the suggestion.
  • @Patrick Ofosu oooo seen lool thought as much but wasn't too sure, definitely listen to Nipsey Hussle (Victory Lap) as well to get the motivation going during this isolation.

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