During this quarantine period, How have you kept your spirits up? Do you think positive affirmations/ meditation is useful tools?


  • I've created a series of interactive zines to help you engage with your emotions. They are filled with a mixture of creative exercises and diagnostic questions that are designed to help you examine, connect or challenge what you feel.
    You can download them for free here: http://jmackenzie.co.uk/emotional I hope they helpful!
  • Try to journal. Journaling is a way of accepting how you feel and finding a way to move through in a positive way. I am running an Instagram page called @undiscveredco (https://www.instagram.com/undiscveredco/) which will help you through (I also suffered from what you are experiencing). Check it out and our latest post on there is about journaling and an amazing article by world famous psychiatrist Kessler. Reach out directly if you need any other help!
  • @Steven Williams Was in reference to my 2cents or as I added a little more maybe 50 cents? But as we are in the UK, pence (p), I did get carried away. :D Take care
  • @Majella Mark thank, I downloaded it and will check it out tonight for sure!
  • @Patrick Ofosu sounds like a great routine (definitely need to check that new Jay Electronica Album), whats the 2p or 50p? lol
    Stay safe as well, take care
  • Sir to add, a dose of groovy music (Yuseef Dayes, Elder Island, Black Motion, Jay Electronica etc), prep for the body skank session, create (rehash the old, pick anew), keep in contact, experiment on any ideas that may zone one in, exercise, pray. My 2p or 50p. Keep safe all and take care!
  • @Majella Mark I will definitely check that app out - is it on the app store (iphone)?
  • @Naomi Ademosu , @Dionne Boateng, @Cathy Carr, @Sibylle Aries, @Paul Atchison, @Kiara Scorzelli I definitely whole heartedly agree with your ideas provided below. @Fedor F. Lopez Even your preparation for an apocalypse is useful to some extent lol as complacency is designed for failure, so STAY READY! ha

    I've found taking time away from social media and news during this quaratine absolutely helps centre yourself away from distractions. Taking care of your health as well (home workouts 3 times a week if possible), reading books, mediations (breathing) and finding small instances in your day to laugh even in hard times (showing gratitude for life to some extent).

    Stay safe everyone and thanks for the useful tips - definitely check out what others have written - work on yourselves during this time to being better in society overall.
  • I think it's important to take advantage and be grateful for this extra home inclusion. Many of us now have time to create internal, quiet moments for ourselves. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home, so I try to make time for meditation and reflection. I use my friend Julio's app Liberate. It was created by a person of color for people of color for mindful healing and mental calm. Embrace these moments while we are alive and well (enough).
  • I have found guided meditations on youtube to be super helpful and taking short walks. I dont think it can really ever feel normal but taking time for small pleasures/relaxation helps!
  • @Kiara Scorzelli positives vibes Kiara.. its a state of mind! i was mindlessly bored 2 hours ago.. but fine now

  • I'm just trying to break the day up as much with differnt things, so some excercise and cooking but I find practicing calligraphy is like my meditation. Anything like this where i'm in the moment of what i'm doing helps my mind rest from all the other noise. Also have started making music again.
  • I'm actually really bored and kind of depress, cause i am an active person and for me doing nothing is annoying.
    But because of that I want try to start do some home workout just to keep a bit of routine and start take care of me more cause I neglect myself for long.
    I try to take this time as an opportunity to make me better mentally, fiscally and visionary.

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