Which film, documentary or tv show has inspired you the most?

We all need a little bit of joy at the moment, so I thought it might be nice to collectively share the movies/documentaries/shows that have inspired us and given us the good feels.


  • Abstract - the series from Netflix, very creative and inspiring, scoring 8.4 on IMDB.
    My Octopus Teacher - Netflix again, inspiring, makes you think about your role in this big environment, scores 8.4 on IMDB
    Mr Gaga - a documentary about the famous director of Batsheva dancing ensambles, it scores 7.6 on IMDB
    The Family - docu-series on Netflix, the score is not so great (6.4), but it is very interesting to find out about the religious influences of political parties and how strong they are
    Get Me Roger Stone - another strong documentary about Roger Stone, the master in the dark arts of politics talks about how he made use of the fake news phenomenon to help presidents win the elections, including Donald Trump (7.4 IMDB)
    Mucho Mucho Amor - it is a heart warming documentary about the very famous Puerto Rican astrologer and psychic Walter Mercado, how he got famous, how he dealt with fame and how he dealt with losing it. The score is 7.3 on IMDB.

    They're not all about creativity per se, but they definitely help you with it by making you understand different perspectives, taking you out of your comfort zone, while helping you connect more dots.

  • At the time, I remember the documentary Zeitgeist making quite an impact and on IMDB.
  • The two that immediately jumped out are Twin Peaks by David Lynch and Climax by Gaspar Noé. Although on a daily basis I've found that doing random searches into Amazon Prime gets you some odd and interesting documentaries.
  • "PARIS IS BURNING" hands down. So funny, so sad but most of all so inspiring to see such beautiful people finding their own creative purpose and identity. You can see how life depends on this, and how it can make the heaviest things as light as air. Nice typographic elements and wicked soundtrack too, it has everything I love it.
  • Documentary - I recently re-watched Ballets Russe, which is a wonderful snapshot of contemporary art, dance, and design. Thoroughly recommended!
  • Documentaries: A map for Saturday & Give up Tomorrow
    Films: City of God
    TV Shows: What we do in the shadows, The Boys

  • I think Abstract on Netflix is by far one of the most inspirational docuseries! It’s so interesting to see how people think in different design fields! Plus it’s very well made
  • CRUMB - about the cartoonist R. Crumb is one I often think about after seeing it over forty years ago.
  • I often rewatch these, they're all very inspiring:

    Won't You Be My Neighbor? — documentary about Fred Rogers and his amazing kids TV show.

    Still Bill — documentary about Bill Withers and his amazing approach to life and art.

    In No Great Hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter — a documentary about Saul Leiter the photographer

    Inform and Delight — a documentary about Milton Glaser (free on Youtube but I recommend the much better quality version on Vimeo)

    Jiro Dreams of Sushi — a documentary about Jiro Ono, a sushi chef in Tokyo

    Dear Mr Watterson — a documentary about Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin & Hobbes

    And the Christoph Niemann episode, my favourite from the Netflix Abstract series :)
  • Sound City - Studio 606. Really inspired me back in 2013 when I watched the picture to again, get back into writing music which now really aids me when I am sound editing and mixing for clients. Full of emotion, ups and downs as well as fantastic music.
  • Abstract: The Art of Design - it's a Netflix documentary series highlighting artists in the field of design.

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