Attack The Attack 'Second heart attacks'

  • Megan Williams
  • Manish Patras

Influence a positive change to help prevent a second heart attack.

Client: Unbranded
Challenge: Influence a positive change to help prevent a second heart attack.
Insight: People become less motivated over time
Strategy: To empower the audience to adopt a healthier lifestyle
Proposition: Power in Change

BIG IDEA: A heart attack isn’t rare, so why act like it is.
For our tone of voice, we wanted the campaign to feel like a friend is talking. Heart attack survivors have already given the information on how to change but they just need that reminder to keep up with a healthier lifestyle to prevent a second attack .
We wanted all the call to actions to link to the headline encouraging people to stop and choose a healthier lifestyle. In which could be walking rather than catching the bus, having one less pint at the pub with friends, choosing a cooked meal over a takeaway and having a reminder to take their medication on time.
Choose heart healthy, Choose sharing. We wanted to start a conversation by using the hashtag #AttackTheAttack, getting heart attack survivors to share there stories on how they attacked the attack.
This will encourage connections as community to not feel alone in this life changing journey.