Bergen — Girl

  • Tommaso Russo
Bergen released a new EP in January 2016, and asked Sara Ortolani and I to come up with a video for the rst single, “Girl”, giving us nothing more than a moodboard. For no apparent reason, we binged on videos with people pouring food colour into milk bowls and Sara suggested trying that out.
On a Saturday, having kidnapped her atmate who works in lm production, Sara ended up with an excess of high quality footage of black liquids mixing with white blobs. I was then given the entire footage and told a bunch of things, which basically suggested: “here, do something with this”. How we managed to create an entire music video lacking
an idea still leaves me in wonder! Though, I have to say, this is de nitely one of my favorite projects of all time.


  • B


    Tommaso Russo
    Art Director