Emerging Contexts

  • Tommaso Russo
Ok, this is complicated. Emerging Contexts is my MA final project, and an audio piece, that made perfect sense as the final outcome of a course that was almost entirely visual.
Taking the form of a podcast, it was a result of a series of experiments about aleatoricism, indeterminacy and theory of creative processes. It has been propagated as a podcast on “How to have nothing to say, but saying it anyway”
I just realised that is simply not possible to explain it in less than 200 words so here’s some documents that explain the whole thing in deep.
Other thing to say is that it has been nominated for the 2016 MullenLowe NOVA Awards and selected for the Brain Waves exhibitions within London Design Week 2016 and I’m still asking myself “Why?”. But in the meantime, let me brag about it.
created by Tommaso Russo, written by Tommaso Russo, Jake Charles Reese, Elliot Burns, speakers: Jake Charles Reese, Elliot Burns, produced by Tommaso Russo, Håkon Lillegraven, Calli Layton and Špela Pipan.


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