BIMA Breakfast - Creating a culture with meaning

Event Details: 24 April 2018
Time: 8.30am - 10.30am
Venue: Digitas, 146 Brick Lane, London E1 6RU
Book your place here.
More and more companies are working to create a culture that adds meaning and value to their employees and local community. Millennials are key to driving this change: 62% want to work for a company that makes a positive impact and 50% prefer purposeful work over a higher salary. Businesses are utilising their new culture of purpose to help improve the bottom line and increase job satisfaction, reduce turnover rates, diversify skill-sets and improve performance for employees who feel that they have made a positive impact.
BIMA would like to extend this invite to all creative and digital agencies to join in the conversation, and hear how one local charity, You Make It (YMI), has empowered its corporate partners to create a culture of purpose.
Curated by the BIMA Diversity Council alongside Publicis.Sapient, join Asma Shah and her incredible team for this very special networking breakfast where you can learn more about You Make It, the incredible work that they do as well as how they can help benefit both you and your agency.
More and more companies are working to create a culture that adds meaning and value to their employees and local community. Millennials are key to driving this change: 62% want to work for a company that makes a positive impact and 50% prefer purposeful work over a higher salary. Businesses are utilising their new culture of purpose to help improve the bottom line and increase job satisfaction, reduce turnover rates, diversify skill-sets and improve performance for employees who feel that they have made a positive impact.
BIMA would like to extend this invite to all creative and digital agencies to join in the conversation, and hear how one local charity, You Make It (YMI), has empowered its corporate partners to create a culture of purpose.
Curated by the BIMA Diversity Council alongside Publicis.Sapient, join Asma Shah and her incredible team for this very special networking breakfast where you can learn more about You Make It, the incredible work that they do as well as how they can help benefit both you and your agency.
More and more companies are working to create a culture that adds meaning and value to their employees and local community. Millennials are key to driving this change: 62% want to work for a company that makes a positive impact and 50% prefer purposeful work over a higher salary. Businesses are utilising their new culture of purpose to help improve the bottom line and increase job satisfaction, reduce turnover rates, diversify skill-sets and improve performance for employees who feel that they have made a positive impact.
BIMA would like to extend this invite to all creative and digital agencies to join in the conversation, and hear how one local charity, You Make It (YMI), has empowered its corporate partners to create a culture of purpose.
Curated by the BIMA Diversity Council alongside Publicis.Sapient, join Asma Shah and her incredible team for this very special networking breakfast where you can learn more about You Make It, the incredible work that they do as well as how they can help benefit both you and your agency.
Book your place here.