Carlsberg - For Women Only

  • Fraser Adamson & Julian Dyer - Integrated Creative Team


Carlsberg Export is a Premium brand that’s long been associated with being the Official Beer Partner of the Premier League
They were looking for a new way to engage with an audience of football supporters.
But what if they could engage with a new audience altogether, rather than the same old lads down the boozer?
And then it suddenly struck us like an old fashioned hooligan.
FFS. A third of English football fans are female.
FFS. That’s over 7.7 million people.
FFS. Female Football Supporters.
Often sidelined and not taken seriously, now’s the perfect time for a major brewer to change all that. What a great position for Carlsberg Export to occupy –
The Female Football Supporters Greatest Supporter
In fact with a slight tweak on the Export logo these women are ‘Experts’, with a premium lager brand especially created for them.
And, with a Carlsberg in hand, can create a ‘Movement’ where everyday sexism and male dominated opinion can be relegated to the past.
FFS. Let’s give them a badge, a website, and a gritty, witty authentic attitude in line with the brand.
FFS - Female Football Shirts
To kick things off, why not wear your heart on your chest with an image of our iconic brand spokeswoman...
Eva Carneiro (Ex Chelsea Physio)
A symbol of a woman who triumphed against the male dominated football establishment.
Or choose from one of the other 10 FFS first team shirts we've created.
Designed to help women stand out, and stand up for themselves, in the crowd.
Move over lads, and let the ladies get the lagers in.