Flocking Brilliant

  • Saliah Bryan

Flocking Brilliant | Mobile Application verb  gerund or present participle: flocking (of birds) congregate in a flock. "sandgrouse are liable to flock with other species" move or go together in a crowd. "tourists flock to Oxford in their thousands" Flocking Brilliant is a mobile application designed to aid the recent graduate in their transition from education to working life. Creative challenge Leaving the safety net of education can be daunting; graduates often find themselves wondering, ‘Where do I go from here?’ and ‘What do I do next?’ Solution Flocking Brilliant provides a comfortable and personal approach to the issues and milestones we all face in life, including debt, loans, money, tax, employment and housing.  The origami elements in this app originate from the commonly known ‘flapping bird’ design. This idea links to theme of the app – the direction you choose in life is now in your hands. Just as origami requires the folding and unfolding of a blank sheet to make a new shape, a graduate must take their own blank slate and prepare for the unfolding of a new chapter in their life. This app is a must-have guide to these new beginnings. Flocking Brilliant is a fully-functioning app built single-handedly by designer Saliah Bryan, from initial idea through to conceptual discovery and brand implementation.  Campaign elements Posters Flyers Business cards Creative origami 'Graduate Hat' hand-outs  Twitter/marketing campaign #flockedoff This particular mobile App has been supported by a Cambridge based company called Creative Front, unfortunately due to funding, the App could not be published and is still in search of a company or organisation to support the idea and get it off the ground.  All rights reserved © Saliah Bryan 2013.