Forecast - personal finance automated

  • Sara Carlstedt
Utilizing the same technology and legislation as Pre/Cut (PSD2). Instead of creating what is essentially a bank and for a small market I wanted to help people make smarter decisions based on their own data. Using PSD2 and strong authentication we harvest the data from their banks, credit agencies and so forth. Using narrow AI and algorithms we can see the pattern of spending, lending and saving. Giving people a real actual view of how, when and what they spend their money on. Based on this we can use prediction models and budgets for coming months and years. showing the user how they can improve their finances in different ways: saving, changing banks or interest rates over time. Over this basic layer we can add forecast models using “what if's” like: what if you lost your job? what if the fridge broke or the car? And over that we can add suggestions of how to improve savings, credit costs and more. Economics made easy for the everyday person.