Gym Box

GymBox is a British fitness company with active gyms throughout London. Their philosophy includes not being big on rules, not believing in pain without pleasure. They take their workouts seriously, really seriously. This is why everything they do has to inspire and excite, energise and ignite. I personally got inspired, and wanted to help with the push to the right direction.

The message of my visuals is simple and obvious, yet powerful. Bad food represents the wrong side of the spectrum; consumed by those who never even think of exercise or of joining GymBox. On the other side are the fitness tools - weights, a yoga mat and kettle bell. By displaying them side-by-side it creates a huge contrast between two very different lifestyles; and the audience is pushed to take a side – the right side.

More and more of us want to improve, get slimmer, fit and beautiful. However, less and less of us have the motivation and willpower to take the action. If my prints could attract just one person to join GymBox, they would already be very successful.


  • Gymbox logo


    • Social Enterprise
