Hack Day Experiment - PopJam Pals

  • Katherine Wu

Hack Days are a tradition at SuperAwesome where the Product department spends two days planning and creating a new innovative project, which has the goal of benefitting the company's products. I worked on a team which consisted of three Developers and myself as the Product Designer. Over two days, we set out the plan together, and I created the designs and prototypes for the demo. The project required strong collaboration skills and project organisation to ensure we could achieve our goal within the limited time frame. I had a lot of fun working on this project. Credit to my team members: Myles, Ed and Jordan.

Product Designer

UI and visual design, UX, Illustration, prototyping, ideation, planning, collaboration, demo presentation.
October 2022
The concept of PopJam Pals was to raise digital pets within the kid-safe social platform, PopJam. You would be able to hatch the Pal from an egg, interact with it and play mini games. Once the Pal grew to it's adult stage, users would be able to "release it to the wild" and adopt more Pals.
See the demo video below.