MARTINI: Let's make time!

  • Jack Freeman
  • Ashleigh Dussie
  • Zakk Haslam
  • Amy Haselden

Martini want to expand the reach of their Let’s Make Time campaign whilst encouraging an as-of-yet untapped market of young people to drink Martini. We address this by making Martini something to talk about. As a way to bring people together through the Martini brand, we incorporate a board game into a limited-edition Martini bottle package; the Martini box is an all-in-one game; ready to play. The board game is a modernised version of the traditional Italian game, Game of the Goose. When the lid is lifted off, the box falls flat and reveals the board game inside, the lid doubles-up as a die. Decorating the board are illustrations of historic Italian theatre characters from the Commedia dell’arte, whose characters are still recognisable today. The board game, as a traditional social activity, fits with this meta-modern generation’s passion for the past.