Service & Product Design - Inclusive Single Person Automated Vehicle

  • Ruksana Shaukat Jali

Created a viable concept and interior for a single person autonomous vehicle, following research methods including immersion, interviews, journey mapping, evaluation testing and more. Iterated and improved this concept through user research methods. The design of ‘Hop’ tackles problems with access and automation (trust and control). Hop aims to provide a service that is approachable, inspires confidence and is easily understood by users. Project took place in 2016.

Automation & Control
Through discussing the future of transport with our user, we realised that automation could take away the feeling of control the user has. This can be frustrating and cause anxiety. By removing the driver we are increasing the user’s sense of isolation.
Areas of low density, such as suburbs, towns and rural areas, are notoriously under-served by public transport. Further research indicates that below a residential density of 30 persons/hectare, providing a service with a similar level of flexibility as a car is economically unviable. Those without access to a car such as the elderly, disabled, low income etc. are doubly disadvantaged and can be excluded from society.
Below are snapshots of the exploration stage which involved empathy tools such as cambridge simulation glasses, low fidelity prototyping and desk research.