
  • Meghan Hughes
The brief for this project was to create a new campaign for Walkers crisps that could be used in 2017. My ideas were inspired by the fact that walkers support sport, especially Leister City football club and even have ex Leister City footballer Gary Lineker as their spokesperson. However it is clear that crisps are not the healthiest snack, so why not create a campaign to battle this stigma. That’s when I came up with the idea for “Walk it Off”, a campaign that would encourage an active lifestyle, learning about nutrition and how to enjoy foods in moderation. This will encourage living better while still enjoying the snacks they love.
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Walkers by Meghan Hughes
Meghan Hughes
Graphic Designer