Any top tips for staying positive, productive & supporting yourself/others during lockdown?

If you can share ways you’ve been staying positive, productive and supporting yourself/others, that would be amazing! Here are my top tips:

At The Dots, setting up a ‘buddy system’ amongst the team has been brilliant for morale. Each week, everyone gets assigned a new buddy, who check in on each other and hang out virtually during the week over a virtual coffee or lunch.

Friday thank yous have also been amazing. Everyone on the team thanks someone for something they’ve done that week during our all team Friday afternoon meeting. We’ve done this for a while, but we now not only thank teammates, but also thank others doing good in the world – be it a family member who works at the NHS, a friend who took time to check in or a cause/petition/project we’d like others to support!

From a personal perspective, early morning walks along the canal have kept me sane! So to have Sunday roasts with my family over zoom and hugs from my hubby. God I miss hugs!

Please do share your tips below :-)

Let’s look out for each other!


  • All those personal projects you had on your list? Crack on. They'll be a great way to showcase what you can do. And what can your skills do to help others in your community at this challenging time? Looking outwards can help us to keep connected while making a real difference.
  • I found this article from Adobe99u really helpful in terms of how to manage your team remotely, and managing your own expectations of your team too:

    I've been doing yoga in the morning too - it's good to feel like you've achieved something and to move yourself a little before you start your day.

    Making the most of the extra time you've gained in your day from the commute is also great, and there are lots of opportunities to learn something online via discounted or free courses right now. It feels good to flex that creative muscle!
  • Certainly good to have a routine and not let standards slip. I've finally managed to create my own website. It's good to be productive because that will feel positive. Now is also the time to reach out to people to hear how they are.
  • That is such a good topic! I'm curious to learn what other people are doing.

    Dancing furiously with some cheerful (or even guilty pleasure) music on for 15 minutes helps me to get rid of gloom and stay active! :) Silly dance moves are welcome.

    Writing down 3 things I'm grateful for every night before going to bed also helps to remember the day better. Took this practice from a mental heath exercise to help feeling satisfied more, but in these days of isolation it also helps to not get lost in the routine and be mindful. Sharing your gratitude with someone who made you feel good is also a huge support for people.
  • Exercise yes, vital.
    I've also set up a series of weekly zoom interviews with animators and directors that I know. I ask them questions on their two or three favourite projects. It's a nice way to showcase talented peoples work and keeps people in touch. As Nicholas has said below - we need to stay connected with other and and regular routines are important to us humans!
  • Goes without saying but really utilising the one hour of exercise and fresh air per day makes such a huge difference to my attitude and wellbeing.

    I've also been trying to learn something new or make one new connection per day. This is a great time to reach out to brands, create pitching documents and brainstorm etc!
  • We have created a daily guide to what’s on(line). Each day we feature a short menu of cultural offerings eg gigs/ cookery classes/ creative conversations
    Have a look at our Instagram @tlc_thelobstercollective for today’s offering x

    If anyone would like to share anything that is coming up that would also be great x
  • Meditation, yoga, journaling.

    I’ve also been teaching myself new creative skills and building up more portfolio. Personally I am finding this time very beneficial and somewhat calming ❤️
  • Started doing the 30 day yoga challenge with Adriene on youtube and the daily movement has been great for boosting my mood. Link below;

    Also I'm enjoying the webinars on here! Nice way to connect with the creative community remotely. Take care everyone!

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