Being dyslexic, it was an honour to help curate this list of neurodivergent heros! Are you neurodivergent? We’d love to celebrate you too!

As a neurodivergent woman, while my ‘delightful dyslexia’ has been challenging at times, I've also come to see it as my superpower, and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

With this in mind, I was thrilled to be asked by the amazing @Emma Case @womenbeyondthebox to help curate their list of Top 50 Neurodivergent Women for 2022.

It’s an honour to help amplify the voices of these incredibly inspiring women who are creating ripples of change within their industries by challenging the narrative around neurodiversity.

Head here to meet (and hire, interview, commission) these amazing women!

Do you have a neurodivgent superpower? (ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Tourette's etc). We’d love to celebrate you too! Just pop a reply below :-)


  • Hi there, I'm Dyslexic and bloom'in proud to be it too!
    I actually have my Dyslexia listed in my CV under strenghts in a visual graph, along side my general and creative skills.

    Last summer, I had the honor in taken part in the InsideOut project 'Dyslexia: Beautiful Minds' held at The Design Museum in London, which was super cool.
    My quote given along with my portrait sat next to some pretty inspiring fellow dyslexics was, "I read IMPOSSIABLE as I AM POSSIABLE".
    I think being neurodivergent personally has made me fight harder to get to where I am today, and I would say my Dyslexia has designed me and that is why I AM POSSIABLE no matter what.
    It just might take thinking outside the box to get the answer :)

    For more information here is a link to my portfolio and a further link available to the InsideOut project webite:
  • I'm a dyslexic who hates dictionaries. They only seem to work if you already know how to spell. Am I the only one?

  • I’m dyslexic although it hasn’t been easy at times. I have always loved the creative skills it gives me.
  • As the mum of a APD (Auditory processing disorder) child, I know they do not see it as Superpower, but her empathic and compassionate nature really is a strength. So nice to see others celebrating their differences. will be showing them this thread. Thank you all for your great stories.
  • I am the same as @Adrian Cline-Bailey, I also have both bipolar and dyslexia. It has been (and still is) challenging at times but it makes me who I am and I am not sure I would be the creative, compassionate person I am today if my circumstances were different.
  • I'm nuero-diverse with bipolar affective disorder and dyslexia, lol, diagnosed quite late at thirty, it feels like a super power with being a creative video editor. I'm very empathetic which I feel helps me find the core of telling a good video story.
  • @Bry Bird - which makes me a good employee haha, autistic people are very employable when we are comfortable in our environments and I'm lucky enough to be employed by a company that understands this and is very modern!

  • Hi I'm Bry and I'm an autistic junior designer, I owe my career to being neuro-spicy (lol), design and illustration are my special interests and I'm very focused and dedicated to the arts. Plus I'm an avid rule follower
  • This is amazing, thank you! I’m autistic and was diagnosed at 30… this gives me hope, optimism, and quite a lot of inspiration 💖
  • Dyslexic (outside the box thinking ) is a blessing … don’t fit in …. Fit out … giving back and being of service to others is our gift

    ADHD / autistic
    Stoicism = first principle thinking 🌈🥰 INFP

  • I'm a freelance photographer who has Dyslexia & Dyspraxia. I’ve come to appreciate being on the spectrum as my superpower. Although it definitely didn't feel that way when I was growing up - inclusion for all!
  • I'm dyslexic and run a People & Culture business to the Creative Sector. I love what my dyslexia gives me!
  • @Elisha Fall hey pleased to meet you! I am looking for people to connect with as part of my project. If you would like to catch up over coffee or zoom let me know 😊
  • Hello. I have Dyspraxia. I have recently been creating work about this disability through photography and performance. Please see my website:
    I have been combining photography and painting to create unique images that are hand printed in a colour darkroom

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