
  • Tamryn Kerr
  • Fabiana Xavier
  • Laura Jordan Bambach
Due to the current gender pay gap every woman in the UK works for free from November 10th 2017 until the end of the year.
That’s 51 days! Obviously all of us at She Says want it to be zero ASAP.
To highlight and help change this fact we reached out to 51 industry leaders such as Cindy Gallop, Rosie Arnold and our own She Says founder and CCO of Mr. President Laura Jordan Bambach plus other CEOs, CCOs, ECDs, MDs and CDs from top agencies.
We asked them to suggest a solution in one sentence about how they think we can help close the gap. Then every day for the 51 days we are sharing them on the She Says Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and twitter pages.
#51Days51Ways by Tamryn Kerr
#51Days51Ways by Tamryn Kerr
#51Days51Ways by Tamryn Kerr


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Tamryn Kerr
Co-Founder and CCO
Fabiana Xavier
Senior Creative
Laura Jordan Bambach
Founder and Chief Creative Officer