Dirty Rotten Socials

  • Alice Sewell
  • Nadra Shah
Dirty Rotten Socials is a series of events curated for The House of St Barnabas, that invite the audience to roll up their sleeves, get close to the experts and solve a real social challenge.
Guests were encouraged to work creatively with speakers and each other to create viable solutions to problems faced by society today, ending the evening with a manifesto that drew together crowd-sourced ideas and insights.
The first three events in the series, curated in collaboration with Pioneers Post, looked at ‘The Rise of the Business Genius’, discussing the pros and cons of social business versus ethical for-profit business, encouraged the audience to ‘Design Like You Give a Damn’, using modern design solutions for social good and shared insights into ‘How to Start a Movement’.
The fourth event invited guests to inject their life with purpose in a collaboration with Do Lectures.
Dirty Rotten Socials by Alice Sewell
Dirty Rotten Socials by Alice Sewell
Dirty Rotten Socials by Alice Sewell
Dirty Rotten Socials by Alice Sewell
Do Lectures and The House of St Barnabas
You know that crazy idea that you keep writing-off? The one at the back of your mind that keeps waving its hand and shouting “me, me, now”? The one that you know will change you? The one that will change more than you? The one you were born to do? That one?
When are you going to do it? When are you going to back yourself?
The Do Lectures exists to close the gap between what you are and what you could be. We are the encouragement network.
This event will look at how you apply purpose to what you do. It looks at why purposeful disruption is the only game in town. We are going to talk about how to make sure you’re climbing the right mountain and how to do a shed-load* of good on the way.
Come along to be inspired and to give yourself or your organisation a kick in the pants. Better may not be easy, but when did easy build great?
*technical term
Dirty Rotten Socials by Alice Sewell


  • The House of St Barnabas logo

    The House of St Barnabas

    • Charity
  • D

    Do Lectures

    • P

      Pioneers Post


      Alice Sewell
      Freelance creative
      Nadra Shah
      Marketing + Brand Strategist