EMPLOYEE REFERRAL SCHEME: An internal HR campaign looking to promote their employee referral initiative. The brief included a freedom to create something engaging that will attract the staff. The internal brand is very different than the corporate brand used to promote to clients. I focused on creating a vibrant/fun visual as its something that juxtaposes with the external branding. Using a flat minimal/iconographic aesthetic to illustrate the message in a fun way. THE CONCEPT: I looked to create a very fun visual. The idea is to promote the earning capacity made from a referral. I opted to illustrate what someone who made a referral might do with their earnings... i.e. go on holiday. I created two versions of the poster, one in the day and the other at sunset. Both colour combinations worked well with the overall vision as colours contrasted and matched enough to work. The company did want to be inclusive of everyone initially and it did not want to be rude or offensive to any group of people. So to make sure we did not miss anyone we opted to use a mascot. Something that could not be affiliated to any one group of people. but this was quickly scrapped as after a little testing, not many people understood the reasoning behind using the mascot. Hence I created a variety of people.