Enjoy more with audible

  • Sophie Gwilt
  • Annabel Dowd

Audible has the World's largest selection of audiobooks, yet young adults don't see Audible as relevant to their lifestyle. So we have created an interactive digital and print campaign, showing audible’s diverse library with recommendations linked to the city they are shown in. Proposition: An audible for everyone.

These real-time data adverts run with trends and are quick and up for no longer than a day. There is also a national advert for smaller cities which don’t have and data trends specific to them.
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
These Secondary advert run a few days before and the day of the event. There is also a national advert for smaller cities who have no upcoming events specific to them.
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
These Primary advert have no time limit and are run anytime of year. There is also a national advert for smaller cities which don’t have unique facts.
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Enjoy more with audible by Sophie Gwilt
Sophie Gwilt
Creative Advertising Graduate
Annabel Dowd
Creative Copywriter