
  • Adnan Habis
  • David Gilligan
  • emilie trampont
Etihad had been operating for more than ten years, but it hadn’t become legendary—unlike its direct competitors Virgin and Emirates. To set Etihad on the path to becoming Remarkable, Landor closely linked the airline to its hub city, Abu Dhabi—a center of world class architecture, culture, and hospitality. We created a brand experience in which standard moments are outstanding and special moments are talked about.
Etihad by Landor & Fitch
Etihad by Landor & Fitch
Etihad by Landor & Fitch
Etihad by Landor & Fitch
Landor & Fitch logo
Building some of the world's most agile brands
Adnan Habis
David Gilligan
Creative Director