Get your sh*t together

  • Shaun Hammond

Brief: Final Major Project
 Client: Personal Project
 Media: Branding, print, product design
 Outcome: Brand identity, poo-scoopers, branded poo bags, tags and stickers. 
 Concept: The problem of dog waste and lazy dog owners is tackled with the creation of the ‘Get your sh*t together’ campaign. Awareness is achieved through no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point, messaging aimed directly at those that don’t pick-up after their dog. The communications encourage people to take responsibility with the help of signage, branded poo-bags and brand collaborations using the call to action ‘Grab it, bag it, bin it’.

Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Get your sh*t together by Shaun Hammond
Shaun Hammond
Graphic Designer