Guardian Open Weekend

  • Ellen Vester

A two-day festival of ideas featuring workshops, debates and performances for 5000+ members of the public. Events hosted by the likes of David Milliband, Steve Coogan and Greyson Perry.

Managed The Guardian’s largest festival - led on event concept design featuring 300+ events.
  • Designed and implemented pricing structure and public launch.
  • Led on in-paper and online marketing campaign.
  • Led on partnership packages and negotiation.
  • Managed large event team consisting of speakers, partners, editorial, 150 volunteers as well as management of resource and 5000 attendees.
  • Showcased the best of The Guardian’s open journalism.
  • Sourced extensive local community partners which tested the market for the launch of Guardian Membership - a new initiative culminating in the launch of a large, public interactive event space working with community partners to bring current events to members and the public.