Happy multi-talented Mother's Day

  • Charlotte Marriner
  • Mikaela Dragon
  • Katja Alissa Mueller
  • Ilinca Roman
  • Emilia Buggins

Statistics show that, depressingly, working mothers are 18% more stressed than everyone else. If you have more than one child, that figure shoots up to 40%. Well, duh. Raising a human (or humans) while trying to find that mythical work life balance can be exhausting, especially in an industry that runs on last minute deadlines and a fair amount of manic energy. Mother’s Day is a chance for everyone to celebrate the wonderful job women do in parenting. We forget that so many of those women also have a paying job and somehow manage to juggle both brilliantly. So on a day where mums are being lauded for their child-rearing skills, we want to shout about their skills in wrestling tricky briefs, nailing killer ideas and handling clients with panache. We want them to know that we, SheSays - a creative network for women - are proud of them, so we created the multi-talented Mother's Day card collection, designed exclusively for mums in the creative industry. Cards were sold online (http://tiny.cc/SSMothersDay) and were sent to prestigious creative networks and platforms, as well as advertised within London agencies.

Happy multi-talented Mother's Day by Charlotte Marriner
Happy multi-talented Mother's Day by Charlotte Marriner
Happy multi-talented Mother's Day by Charlotte Marriner
Happy multi-talented Mother's Day by Charlotte Marriner
Happy multi-talented Mother's Day by Charlotte Marriner


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Charlotte Marriner
Creative / Copywriter
Mikaela Dragon
Creative Director
Emilia Buggins
Founder & Creative Director