McDonald's - McDelivery

  • Drew Collins
The Challenge: To raise awareness of McDelivery expanding their services across various university cities in the United Kingdom.

The Insight: It’s no secret that students love McDonald’s, so much so that it's become something of a cultural institution, with menu preferences sparking debate among friendship groups across the country. A student's favourite McDonald's item is seen to speak volumes about who they are as a person – students have a staunch loyalty to their personal order, seeing it as a statement of their personality.

Additionally, during the hectic exam season, students are looking for new ways to procrastinate online in order to relieve stress, give them five minutes to chill, and genuinely have a bit of fun.

The Idea: Our in-house team conceptualised and built a brand new interactive format called a Branded Quiz. We took the insight of procrastination and married it with students’ love for McDonald’s to result in a personality test that would reveal whether you’re a Big Mac, Chicken Select, Salad Bag, McNugget or Filet O’Fish.

The Results:
- 55% Uplift in awareness of McDelivery
- 22% Uplift in Purchase Intent
- 64% Uplift in McDelivery app useage
- 46k Branded Quiz views
- 19k Clicks to app download
- 1:22 Average dwell time
Take the quiz in full here.


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