Microsoft Pivot - Event Identity

What is Microsoft Pivot?
Microsoft Pivot is an event with a focus on AI and the future of business with new technologies.
The Mission:
To create an event that Microsoft has never done before, with digital transformation at the centre of an ultra personalised experience.
The Manifesto:
This is not strip out the old, shove in the new, it’s shining a light and building on the expertise you already have, and turning it in a direction that will safeguard the future.
This event will help you see where you and your company fit into the future of business, and Microsoft will show you how to get there through a day of speakers and workshops.
From years of business and technology conferences, Microsoft has curated an exclusive event focusing on AI & Digital Transformation, with practical application in mind.
Pivot-Cast is the webinar platform for Pivot.
Pivot-Cast redefines the webcast experience.
Pivot connected Microsoft with 700 businesses, 88 of which were high priority targets.