New Material is an event series created by Livity & Channel 4's 4Talent. It's a youth-led events series aimed at inspiring 600+ diverse young people from across the UK to feel motivated about their future careers within the media industry, and to understand the opportunities available for them at Channel 4. The events will be taking place from September to November in Birmingham, Derry, Nottingham, Leeds, Glasgow and Bristol. I acted as the Events Manager and my role involved sourcing and securing venues, thinking of event programming and activities and researching talent for each event. The events will use telling modern stories as a creative wrapper to build skills of young people interested in the media industry, as well as connecting them with the wider industry in their local area. Other creatives I worked with on this project include: Ellie Ramsden - Photographer & Videographer Precious McCarthy - Copywriter & Content Creation Velan Joe - Videographer Wale Osunla - Graphic Designer & Visual Identity