
  • Alexandra Hook

Re-crowd records a one-off gig by using the latest in point cloud, tracking and AR technology to capture a live show and stream that in realtime to users on their devices. Literally crowd sourcing the recording experience. The show is then captured and used as the video for Arcade Fire’s latest single.

The stage will be setup prior to the event and each attendee is given a phone on entry. A 3D scan is made of the band on stage to create a point cloud. The point cloud data is used to determine a volumetric map of the band and stage. Tracking beacons are hidden in each phone case which calculates their relative position to signal points on stage. This allows the visuals to sit on the 3D map of the band whilst detecting the view each phone is getting.
Users at home can enter the site during the gig and use the gyroscope on their phone to navigate around the gig, skipping to each phone to see its view. The experience will later be available on the website and in an edited version as a stand alone music video.