Teemo - Instagram Filter

  • Jerzy Pilch

Help Teemo on his adventure and find missing scrolls. I have partnered with Unit9 to create this AR effect for League of Legends: Wild Rift. This AR effect is available on Instagram, try it here https://lnkd.in/d-7Hxkg We have used the Riot Games League of Legends assets and the power of Facebook’s #SparkAR to allow gamers to bring Teemo to live in their own environment. Users can use both a selfie and back camera to play with different filters. In the selfie camera, the user gets Teemo’s hat on their head and using facial gestures they can interact with it. But the star of this AR filter is Teemo himself, who appears in the back camera filter. Using a plane tracker user can point to a place where the portal appears. Teemo jumps out from the portal and finds himself surrounded by mushrooms. Users can tap on them to interact with them and reveal more about Teemo’s adventures. The effect is promoted as an online treasure hunt. On Wild Rift’s Facebook, Twitter and website gamers can find 3 parts of a map. Connecting all parts together reveals a QRcode. Scanning code opens the user’s Instagram and loads the filter.