Any advice on how to get into marketing without the university route? Or any recommended degrees/ courses ?


  • Hi Tia - I left school at 17 with no desire to attend university. My advice to you would be to grab all and any experience that comes your way, and then to shout about it on social media.

    I really recommend, as a general rule, that budding entrepreneurs invest their time mastering FREE marketing platforms in this time. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, have been remarkable tools in aiding the growth of my business - I think, combined with experience, a proper social media strategy is a great place to start in terms of building a portfolio, and your own business voice X
  • Hey Tia,

    There’s heaps of great advice here... One thing I’ll quickly add is that many agencies are slowly waking up to the fact that their talent doesn’t have to come from the regular route in to industry (i.e university route). Approach with stacks of energy and start saying hello to as many people as possible knocking-on lots of virtual doors... there will likely be lots of deadends but occasionally there will be nice folks who will give you a few directions... just like on this thread.

    The good news is that some agencies are being more proactive than others in this space (check out this ace ad agency called Wieden & Kennedy... they have a programme called The Kennedy’s that might be of interest)...

    Hope this helps!


  • I agree with everyone highlighting the importance of experience in marketing rather than qualifications. A lot of the work I do will be testing and iteration during campaigns - there are processes but these are often flexible. I would say find a marketing niche (SEO, a social media channel, growth hacking etc) and learn a lot about that. I'm a generalist, but an expertise sets you apart. So much can be learned online, I'm currently doing an SEO course to make up for the 'bits and pieces' approach I've been using!
  • I don't have a degree (or any other qualifications), I just worked really hard to get in. Start by contacting people you'd like to work with or for - with The Dots, LinkedIn, Google and agency websites, you can find people's contact details easily. Then ask for advice and for help. Be interesting and interested - you're more likely to get noticed if you stand out.

    Best of luck!
  • Internship. I have a couple of friends who works in fashion PR / Marketing without a degree, all started with an internship.
    Bear in mind, many internships do not pay and some cover expenses. Occassionally company do keep you on afterward with an entry level position but many don't. Experience is important in this role like many others have said.
    Once you have gained some experiences as well as contacts, things will move quickly.

    best of luck.
  • Experience is really important. I started in the post room. Stay curious. Ask questions and remember you need to think like a customer. Then go and talk to an agency or company about you thoughts.
  • Hi Tia, I've found entry-level jobs, apprenticeships and internships to be the best way to get into the sector. A lot of marketing is common sense and you'll pick it up quickly on the job. Once you have a general idea of what the work entails, you can specialise by doing a course of some sort.
    In terms of qualifications, the Chartered Institute of Marketing is probably the best and most renowned provider in the UK, I haven't taken any courses myself, but I've heard a lot of positive feedback from people who have.

    Good luck!
  • Hey Tia, I never got a degree (or even my a levels). My biggest advice would be to just make friends and find an unofficial mentor. Someone that you can have coffee with and can connect you with awesome people. I credit all of my growth to the amazing women that have been kind and taught me along the way.
  • Hi Tia,

    Experience has always been a key thing for me! I would identify some of the things you really enjoy (whether that’s the more data-focused part of marketing, or the more design-focused side!) and start researching courses that will help you to learn and develop your skills. There are a lot of free courses available, particularly at the moment!
  • Hi Tia, there are a number of ways, it depends on which sector you want to get into. I went the university route, but that was 20 years ago and it was the only way. If you want to go into the business to business sector the BMC (Business Marketing Club) has allot to offer including mentoring once you have a role and a wide range if industry contacts who may be able to offer a way in.

    Usually the meets monthly in London, currently they are running weekly webinars that are getting over 1000 atendees.

    If it helps mail me through here and we can chat.


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