Looking for a Graphic Designer to work and develop a Logo, with great typography skills :)


  • Ciao Vanessa,
    sono una graphic designer e 3d artist attiva a Milano. Mi occupo principalmente di branding e visual design collaborando come freelance con alcuni studi milanesi di design e comunicazione.
    Ti riporto di seguito la mia mail e il link al mio portfolio:

    In caso fossi interessata non esitare a scrivermi, anche solo per dubbi e curiosità.

    Buona giornata!

  • Hello Vanessa,
    We have powered many businesses with extraordinary solutions within the targeted budget and timeline. Our team experience might help you out. Let’s Connect at jennifer@cisinlabs.com.
  • Hi Vanessa,
    Happy to help with this. I'm a freelance Brand Designer and Art Director. Below is a link to some recent projects and further contact details.

    Thanks, James.
  • Hi Vanessa,
    that sounds cool. Here's my work:

    also my email hello@studio-dc.com

  • Hello Vanessa! I'm a graphic designer and typographer, currently with availability.

    Please have a look at my website https://www.monicahutama.com/ and we can discuss further through my email as well hello@monicahutama.com

    Thank you,
  • Hello Vanessa,

    I would be happy to help, specialised in branding and typography. You can see my work on

    And please get in touch on 4nn414@gmail.com to discuss further
  • Hey Vanessa
    It would be great to find out more about this project and see how i could bring my skills to it. I have around ten years of experience in working on various branding and typographic projects. Check them out here: https://endlessstudio.co.uk/ Many Thanks, Aaron
  • Hey Vanessa - I'm free :) https://katiescanlon.com/

    If you feel my work could align, feel free to message me at hello@katiescanlon.com. Thanks :)
  • Hi Vanessa, I would love to work with you! Here's my portfolio so you can take a look at the way I work. Hope you like it! Thanks :)

  • Hi Vanessa!
    I'm available nad would love to work on your project. Please take a look at my portfolio. Feel free to contact me at your convenience to discuss further details.
  • Hello Vanessa,
    I would love to work on your project. Please take a look at my portfolio. Feel free to contact me at your convenience to discuss further details.

    Portfolio: https://contra.com/nikabughadze
  • Hi. I'd be interested in finding out more.

    Portfolio and details at www.doublesquare.co.uk
  • Hi Vanessa,

    This sounds like an exciting project to work on and I'm available. My freelance design work for previous clients can be viewed at: https://www.isddesign.co.uk

    Logo page: https://www.isddesign.co.uk/logo-design

    Look forward to connecting and chatting about your requirements!


  • Hi Vanessa,

    I’d love to help you with this! My work can be viewed at asiarosedesign.co.uk, if you’re interested in working together please get in touch!

  • Hello there!

    I would love to work and realize your project together. I mainly do logo design, typography and branding. I am confident in my ability to create a visually compelling and effective logo for you.

    Best regards,

  • Hey Vanessa,

    Would love to work on this project with you :)

    Take a look at some of my most recent work here: https://www.jerichocreative.co.uk/our-work and hope we can connect soon!

  • Hi Vanessa!

    I'm a graphic designer specialized in typography and branding. I would love to work on your project!

    Don't hesitate to check my work and to contact me :)
  • Graphic designer here! Happy to assist, let me know if you're still looking for one

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